
"Binksy" was a graphics project I produced as an exercise to learn Gimp, the open source photo editor similar to Adobe Photoshop. When I began to produce Toy based artworks, the image was inspiration for one of my best received pieces. The final "Binksy" piece is a mash-up work combining a beloved Star Wars character and the style of graffiti artist Bansky.

The originally produced "Binksy" image using GIMP.

Front side of Torso sculpt.

Back side of Torso sculpt.

Preparing the torso sculpt for silicone mold making. I use various materials to make the forms during the mold making process. Here you can see I have suspended the sculpted torso inside of a box form made from LEGO bricks.

Torso mold made from the sculpt. This is the expired mold cut open for demonstration purposes.

Assembly of first pull resin casted pieces.

Finished casted piece with paint application.

Final piece with "display packaging" artwork.